16771 1097 FM 77378 Willis TX

Vean lo que
estamos haciendo
Esta pagina incluye fotos de nuestra historia durante los anos de crecimiento y nuestros ministerios.
A Dios sea toda la gloria!
Nuestra historia y ministerio

Misioneros a Mexico
Tuvimos la bendición de ser parte de una iglesia que nos envió con recursos para compartir con la comunidad pobre que se encuentra en las montañas de Monterrey, NL, México. Nuestra misión era dar no solo una campana divertida para que la comunidad conociera el amor de Dios, sino también darle al ministerio / comedor de los niños locales "Gotita's de Esperanza", un rayo de esperanza con un nuevo refrigerador y una actualización de su edificio.

Misioneros a Mexico
Ellas son mujeres indígenas de Chiapas, Mexico. Viven arriba en las montanas y crean hermosas cosas artesanas como muñecas, joyería, bolsas, y plumas. Durante el tiempo navideño ellas bajan de la montana para vender sus cosas en la cuidad y se quedan en la calle hasta vender todo, muchas veces pasando noches frias acostadas en

Throughout the years
God has been good every year and we have seen lives and families be restored.
He has lead us to where we are now by His grace. We are excitedly on the look out for what He might want to do next!

throughout the years
It has been a privilege to be able to host VBS free of charge every year.
As we've grown we've been able to do more with our decorations and even provide free VBS t-shirts! At each end of our VBS we enjoy having a family day where we invite families to come and see what their children or even siblings have been learning.
After our last day service, instead of having the rest of the day activities we end have a big water picnic day and give away food to the families to take home.

Monthly food
Every month we are able to distribute food thanks to our generous partnership with Montgomery County Food Bank and Keep Us Fed.
We help feed 150+ families in our community and surrounding areas and are steadily growing!

Outreaches are part of our core. Here are some pictures of our outreaches throughout the years like our annual Fall Fiesta and a VBS outreach in a nearby neighborhood.

Christmas Miracle
We are blessed to receive donations to bring toys and even some needed toiletries to families in need during the holidays. God has miraculously showed up during those times for us by moving other peoples' hearts to give.
Now it's our turn!
We have helped over 80 children last year and are looking forward to helping many more see God's love and care for them.

Thanksgiving Box
It's no secret we love to give away food to those who need it. So here's another outreach we do.
During the earlier days of November we gather food items that would help reduce the cost of a normal Thanksgiving dinner. We have even been able to receive turkeys at ridiculously low prices or even as donations. If for some reason we don't get them for Thanksgiving we often get them to give away at Christmas time!