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VBS 2024
Sign Up/registracion

DIVE deep into the love of Christ! We will explore just deep God's love really is!

Dive vbs 24 logo.png

Nos submergeremos en el amor de Christo! Exploraremos que tan profundo es el amor de Dios!

Current Grades/Grados Corrientes K - 5th
All our VBS' are free for the children and their families. Everything is made possible by the hand of God moving in hearts like yours. If you'd like to donate to this work of love, please click here to donate and make a note on your donation that it is to be used for this years VBS. Thank you!
Todos nuestros VBS son gratis para las familias. Todo hecho posible por la mano de Dios obrando en corazones como los de ustedes. Si gusta donar a esta obra de amor, haga clique aqui y agrege en la donacion que es destinada para nuestro VBS este año. Gracias!
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